Toni P
7 months ago
Kuumana päivänä Roomassa maistui eeityisen hyvältä
@ Pirrimenti3 years ago
Heraclea is a Witbier that contains bergamot juice 🍊 The beer colors relatively murky straw. Carbonation is quite restrained and kicks out a soapy head that falls short of one finger. The head dissipates otherwise rushedly but leaves a neat lace ring circling the top and some zigzagging haze lines.
The scent is subdued: I find solely faint notes of wheat malt and lemon pulp. The gustatory universe boasts with fresh lemon pulp, zippy bergamot juice, a tiny spoonful of sugar and wheat biscuit. Hmmm... I like the fruity citrus juice but the added sugar is something that I could easily live without.
The body clocks light. The finish is juicy with orange, lemon and bergamot where wheat malt steps somewhat aside from the package. The finish gives the tastebuds sweet life for a short to medium while.
The mouthfeel is light, juicy, zesty, refreshing and remotely zippy. Very gluggable and sessionable but somewhat blunt.