
@ Pirrimenti3 years ago

Time to pack the luggage and crack open the last beer on the Italian soil. 👋🏻✈️🇮🇹
I said earlier that I had two beers that contain olive oil. This was supposed to be the second one. I was mistaken — not hugely but enough — since this beer doesn't actually contain olive oil but olive extract. Sorry for confusion.
The beer looks misty, pale orange with a faint milky reflection. Carbonation is quite standard as it unleashes a silky, pure white foam that exceeds one finger in height.
The nose receives only oppressed aromas: soft wheat malt and orange peel. I can't get anything else. The taste receptors like the fruity foundation of the palate, especially orange peel, pineapple, lemon pulp and a wisp of banana. The malt supply is composed of wheat, faint biscuit and a suggestion of cereal.
Olive extract is nowhere. I try hard to locate it both in the fragrance as well as taste but it remains camouflaged to me. Maybe it wasn't meant to show up? Who knows.
The body is quite light, almost thin. The finish is citrusy and wheaty but seems to delete the other elements from the experience. The only new kid on the block is yeast. The flavors remain long in the mouth.
The mouthfeel is thin, a tad frothy, modestly dry, equally modestly drying and refreshing. Very easy indeed.
I'm not sure if this is Hefeweizen or Witbier. It has characteristics of both. The total absence of olive is a disappointment albeit the beer is, generally speaking, reasonable.