Matti H
@ Italiano1 year ago
@ Market da Massimo (Minimarket)1 year ago
Paikallista olutta punasipulilla höystettynä. Kevyt runko, jälkimaussa aavistus punasipulia, olisi saanut olla voimakkaampi mun makuun.
Pikkusen maukkaampi kuin sipuliton versio.
Tomi A
@ Bar Veneto1 year ago
Astetta laadukkaampi, kuin ilman sipulia oleva versio. Sipulin maku ei kuitenkaan juuri maistu oluessa.
Juha M
@ Market da Massimo (Minimarket)2 years ago
Eemil L
@ Supermarket Calabrisella2 years ago
Syvän kuparin värinen sameahko. Tuoksu on makean maltainen. Maku on maltainen, hieman karamellinen. Lopussa on pieni sipulinen pehmeä hapokkuus. Runko on aikasta kevyt, mutta sopii hyvin näihin Italian keleihin jotka tuli Suomeen.
2 years ago
@ L'Isola dei Sapori3 years ago
Calabria 🇮🇹 is a region located at the toe of the boot of Italy. It's well known for red onions that are cultivated massively in the fields and in most innovative forms. I bought onion chocolate which actually contains small pieces of red onion. Delicious btw. Red onion can also be found in ice cream and — of course — beer! This beer is THE onion beer!! 🧅🍺
I've found "onion" in beers only a few times and it was rotten and unappealing. An off-flavor for sure. This is different since onion is used in the beer for purpose. I'm really excited!!
The beer colors fully hazy, deep copper. Carbonation is oppressed but creates a cream-colored soapy head that falls short of half a finger. Albeit retention is short, a neat dense lace ring decorates the top for long.
Strong malt, crackers, bitter caramel and a suggestion of dried onion round the olfactory perimeter. It's interesting that onion can actually be detected in the scent but it's not fermented, neither vegetal, let alone rotten, and hence not a turn-off.
The taste profile is like fruity Amber Ale: I find caramel malt, a good amount of multigrain bread, graham crackers and a pinch of butterscotch. I'm working like a slave to identify the onion but I have to admit that I fail. If it's there, it's surely dried and not fresh but I can't verify it in any form now. What a pity!! I so much wanted to find it also in the taste! 🥲
The body is light-medium. That's not something that I expected for 4.7 % only. Well done! The finish is an exact copy of the earlier taste experience, no onion at this stage either. The finish remains in the mouth in one form or another for a good while.
The mouthfeel is somewhat light but definitely not thin, distantly sticky, moderately dry and slightly drying. It's surprisingly fresh and not vegetal at all.
Generally speaking, this is much easier and tastier than I anticipated. I wanted to receive more powerful onion but I failed. Merely the olfactory provision gave me a hint of it. Therefore, -0.2 stars off from the otherwise decent experience.
3 years ago