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Kisasahti 2021 9.0%, Sahdin SM 2021–2023, Hartola, Finland
1 Bewertungen
Kisasahti 2021
9.0% Sahti / Kodiõlu / Gotlandsdricke


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Sahdin SM 2021
3 years ago
Kisasahti 2021, Finland
The winning Sahti! 💪🏻🏆🥇👑 Very traditional color: muddy, copper. The fragrance is sweet fruity, banana is modest. Biscuit follows and a faint citrusy note accompanies. The taste is really smooth and fruity. Banana, clove, dried apricot and sweet malt constitute the winning taste profile. I can also pick a remote bubblegummy nuance among the gustatory components. The body is full. Not superfull though. The mouthfeel is full, sappy, thick, sticky and — traditonal. Tasty, admittedly. Not unique though in my opinion.