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Barrel Aged Arketype: Almond Fudge Macaroon (2021) 13.6%, More Brewing Company, United States
1 notes
Barrel Aged Arketype: Almond Fudge Macaroon (2021)
13.6% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout
Our Arketype base Imperial Stout aged in bourbon barrels for 22 months, then with a hefty amount of almond, cocoa nibs, & coconut added. Bairal Society members only release.
Vieillie en fût


Post author: Sirdubby
3 years ago
Backlog from June 19th at More Brewing Company Chocolate primarily in the aroma. Taste has chocolate, almonds and bourbon. The body is full with an appropriately low amount of carbonation. Smooth, thick and mouth coating. Very well made and a solid example of a quality BBA stout. 4.75/5