Dry 5.0%, Legacy Irish Craft Cider, Ireland
19 ratings
5.0% Apple Cider
Our Dry Cider is the first and the ‘Original Legacy Cider’. It’s my favourite as I think it has a lovely balance between sweet and Dry. There is a “good bite to it” as I’ve been told often times, this “bite” is the strong Bramley flavour coming through. The Medium Dry is made with only three apple varieties; Elstar, Bramley and Michellin. Elstar is a floral light cider that sits in the background, Bramley is the big bold mouthful and Michellin is a beautiful sweet French cider apple that gives a soft caramel flavour and a lingering dryness. This is a great cider with oily fish and white meat. It has a strong acidic backbone so it is able to cut through rich flavours and compliment. The high carbonation coats the tongue and cleanses the palate. It’s also a great thirst quencher anytime of the year


Post author: Heluna
@ Puhkulma
2 years ago

Post author: Simpuli
@ Puhkulma
2 years ago
Dry, Ireland

Post author: Manjoe
3 years ago

Post author: Heinojii
3 years ago
Dry, Ireland
Uutta siideriä maisteluun! Pullo on desingiltaan aika turvallinen ja tylsä. Perusinfot kyllä silti löytyvät helposti! Kullankeltainen ja kirkas siideri nopeasti katoavalla kirkkalla vaahdolla. Näyttäisi olevan kohtuullisesti happojakin paikalla. Tuoksu on pirteä ja raikas! Omena ja sen kuori on hallitsevassa roolissa jota pieni hiivaisuus komppaa. Maku on virkistävä ja kevyt. Omena tulee hyvin esille ja fiilis on ehkä enemmän siellä medium-dry puolella. Loppua kohden menee ehkä vähän kuivemmaksi. Suutuntuma on raikas ja soljuva. Miellyttävä perussiideri jota voisi juoda ihan janoonsa.

Post author: Manjoe
3 years ago

Post author: SPH
3 years ago
French style cider. Nice backyard real red apple taste. A bit too dry for my liking. But very good.

Post author: jussisolja
3 years ago
Dry, Ireland
A good basic apple cider. Reminds me of Crowmoor. Light color and perhaps a bit sweet for me. Label design doesn't really stand out. Does the job but that's about it.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Pint Please Headquarters
3 years ago
Dry, Ireland
Another 🇮🇪 brewery/cidery whose products will be tested in the coming days. Thank you so much, Legacy Irish Craft Cider and Pint Please! 🙏🏻👍🏻🍻 The cider portrays translucent, deep gold. The fizzy carbonation unleashes a short-lived bubbly froth that fails to grow half a finger tall and melts rushedly away. The scent puts forward loads of apple mash. The cider is supposed to be "dry" but the fragrance is medium-sweet, even a bit jam-like. It's surely very natural. The taste profile is actually relatively sweet. Apple jam gains juicy vibes and also a whisper to yeast around it. Still natural, which is always good. 👍🏻 The finish is probably slightly drier but it's difficult to verify for it vanishes so rapidly. The mouthfeel is light, juicy, spritzy, natural and refreshing. Also a bit dry but still slightly jam-like. The label is easily readable, basically okay but not a real eye-catcher. Hard to say how it works with ciderheads but I would need something more unique to grab this from the shelf. Very drinkable though but I would fancy something drier if the cider claims to be "dry".

Post author: Lauri
@ Pint Please Headquarters
3 years ago
Dry, Ireland
Kiitos Pintin pojille lähetyksestä! Seuraavaa siideriä maistoon: Pullon ja etiketin ulkomuoto on kevyesti vanhahtava ja yksinkertainen, mutta toisaalta melko arvokkaan oloinen. Lupailee hyvää siideriä. Lisäksi pullo on mukavan kokoinen 🙂 Itse juoma on kevyen rusehtavan keltaista ja lähes kirkasta. Vaahtoa ei juurikaan muodostu. Tuoksu on happaman, kirpakan ja hyvin aidon omenainen. Tuoksuu syksyltä! Maku jää hieman upeasta tuoksusta ollen kuitenkin edelleen selkeän ja aidon, hapahko ja makean omenainen. Maut ovat miellyttävät, mutta kepeät. Myös suutuntuma on kepeähkö, mutta raikas ja melko kuivakka. Juotavuus on siten kunnossa. Maukkaan aidon omenainen juoma. Juomasta jää oikein miellyttävä ja positiivinen kokemus jatkaen panimon laadukkaaksi todettua linjaa. Voisin helposti siirtää kaiken siiderin kulutuksen ko. panimon tuotteisiin hinnan ollessa sopivan.

Post author: Manjoe
3 years ago