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Osmo S
@ Fat Lizard Brewery, Beer Shop, Taproom4 years ago

Erinomainen sima. Raikas, sitruunainen, todella virkistävä. Upea kesä/talkoojuoma.

Tuukka P
@ Fat Lizard Brewery, Beer Shop, Taproom4 years ago
Makeaa, mutta kuitenkin aika raikasta. Ihan muelenkiintoinen, mutta pienissä annoksissa, kiitos.

@ Fat Lizard Brewery, Beer Shop, Taproom4 years ago
Mielenkiintoinen makea, vaalean kellertävä "sima". Maussa hieman seljankukkaa ja sitruunaa. Raikastaa kesäkuumalla!

@ Fat Lizard Brewery, Beer Shop, Taproom4 years ago

Time for something suspicious: Session Mead with 3.4 %. It looks unconvincing on paper. Brewed by a brewery that is definitely not an expert in Meads. On the other hand, I really want to be wrong since the product is so unconventional.
The brewery guy advised me to flip the bottle a couple of times upsidedown to get all the flavors of the sediments in the bottom. And that's what I do.
The Mead colors semilimpid, very pale straw. A bit Champage hued but not exactly. Resembles also traditional lemonade. Carbonation is fizzy but not really sparkling. A subtle lace ring emerges on the top and dies rushedly away.
The scent displays sweet lemon pulp and a distinct yet modest note of honey. That's it.
The tongue receives a medley of sweet sugared lemon zest and a tiny drop of honey. Not exactly lemonade-like which is abundant and zippy. The finish offers nothing new.
The mouthfeel is light, very juicy, a bit sappy and sessionable. It's soft-drink-like and somewhat cidery. Refreshing.
Difficult to rate. The references include sweet Vappusima-type of Meads sold in supermarkets in which subcategory, this is not bad at all.