Tero K
@ Alko, Koivistonkylä3 years ago
Heräteostos alelaarista. Ei hassumpi, inkivääri maistuu kivasti.
Dj Baty
3 years ago
@ Prisma Laune3 years ago
Impulse purchase because of discount. 😅
The drink colors entirely transparent, brilliant deep gold. Sparkling carbonation is loud and boosts an anxious head that reaches one finger and melts hastily to nil.
Ginger emanates attractively to the nostrils and is escorted by a pinch of spruce tip. Brown sugar, raisin and lemon pulp add their nuances to the package.
The taste profile is quite nice: fresh traditional Finnish Vappu Mead with less brown sugar than normally and seasoned with a reasonable amount of ginger. Raisin is much less prominent than in the fragrance. Lemon pulp is zesty and refreshing. The finish gives a nice pinchy feeling in the throat for quite some time.
The mouthfeel is refreshing, zesty, slightly spiced, faintly lip-glueing and modestly warming. It's also a tad effervescent and substantially soft-drink-like. Rating within the subcategory of ultra-low-alc Finnish Mead.