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Nitro Nemesis V6.0 6.0%, Kompaan, Netherlands
3 notes
Nitro Nemesis V6.0
6.0% Milkshake IPA
A milkshake cherry 🍒 nitro New England IPA


Post author: Drost S
Drost S
2 years ago
Nitro Nemesis V6.0, Netherlands

Post author: Lee A
Lee A
2 years ago
Nitro Nemesis V6.0, Netherlands
Interesting NE style with some cherry after taste

Post author: Vincent
@ Kompaan
4 years ago
Nitro Nemesis V6.0, Netherlands
Initial aroma of cherry. Cherry coloured, with pinkish foam head that dies quickly. The taste is pleasant, with a slight tart. But I do not really get the lactose or cherry. Addendum: after a while, the milkshake flavour and mouth feel comes through.