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Saison (Batch 2020) 9.0%, J&A Homebrewers, Finland
1 ratings
Saison (Batch 2020)
9.0% Saison / Farmhouse Ale


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Korvatunturi
3 years ago
Saison (Batch 2020), Finland
A gift from a friend whose friends are behind this homebrew. Thanks! 🙏🏻 This is supposed to be an improved version of the Imperial Saison that I tasted at Christmas 2019. Let's twist the cap open! Carbonation behaves nicely; no frothy eruption but well-mannered fizz. The beer pours rather hazy, honey-amber. The head is off-white, small-bubbled and climbs up to half a finger. Retention is substantially long. The head dissipates gradually to a dense lace ring and adorns the top basically till the glass is empty. Looks attractive. The scent is interesting: a floral nuance hits the nose first and leaves a somewhat heavy impression in the air. Orange peel and wheat crackers follow next. I can also pick dried apricot and fermented banana. It hints at isoamyl acetate. Although it's considered an off-flavor, it mingles neatly in wheat-based beers. Further behind, I find a soapy sigh that fortunately remains really distant and harmless. The taste profile is even more interesting than the fragrance. The gustatory supply is heavy, fruity and massively estery. I'm getting orange peel, mandarin, dried apricot and fermented banana again. Wheat malt is soft and biscuity, and it's accompanied by a floral, almost meadowy sensation. Coriander seeds are identifiable but remain at a moderate level. Now, there are two striking differences — or should I say 'improvements'? — between this beer and the one of Christmas 2019: number one is that this is much softer and mellower than the one I've had before. The second improvement is the absence of alcohol. When the 2019 edition portrayed tangy chemical alcohol, this brew hides it beautifully. Overall, very enjoyable and velvety. The body is medium. It's surely more robust than earlier. The finish continues unchanged from upfront. Medium-sweet malt, biscuit, fruity esters and a whisper of coriander seeds can easily be detected. The finish grinds pretty soon to a halt. The mouthfeel is fragrant, rather estery and a bit spiced. It's somewhat heavy, though in a good way, and actually a tad wintry. It's simultaneously soft, smooth and relatively mellow. Definitely a better version! If I was given this in blind tasting, I would have categorized this as Belgian Strong Golden Ale or Tripel rather than a Saison. Nevertheless, beerstyles aside, this is good stuff! Congratulations! 👍🏻