Mr X
@ C J's Doghouse4 years ago
I have to say I’m having a bit of a tough time with this one as it seems a little complex. As always I’ll do my best to power thru.
At first I get kind of a brut like dryness and taste but it quickly changes to a tropical/citrusy fruit side. I definitely get tangerine with pineapple with other tropical fruit just lightly thrown in.
Now throw in some oats in the background that is light but consistent thru out.
While finishing I start getting back some more of the brut side again. Gets dry but holds that fruity side.
Overall I find my tastebuds bouncing around between all the different aspects of this one. I find it very enjoyable. This grew on me the further I got into it. I started at a 3.5 but ended at a 4.1. Some times the complex ones are hard to judge. Tomorrow I could have one with a totally different perspective. Right now it is yummy