@ Sotima1 year ago
@ Salama Brewing1 year ago
Saikin tämä yksilö kypsyä hieman yli, kun BBf oli jo viime joulukuussa. 😬
Musta ja öljyinen.
Tuoksussa syvää luumua ja makean suklaista maltaisuutta.
Maussa samaa luumua öljyisen kärjen päällä. Pehmeä runko toitottaa tummaa rusinaista sinfoniaa, joka tsipuu jälkimaussa makean täyteläiseen suklaaseen. Kaneli on pitkälti kadonnut ajan saatossa ja maistuu lähinnä rungossa pienenä mausteisuutena.
@ Salama Brewing2 years ago
Siirappisuus kadonnut kellaroinnin myötä, mutta makeahkoa edelleenkin.
Kaakao…ei juurikaan…enemmänkin vaniljaa.
Bourbon pitää makua läsnä…sopivasti…vaikka ei maussa tunnista.
Vahva ja hieno juoma edelleenkin.
Tölkitetty 8.12.2020
Parasta ennen 8.12.2022
Miika N
3 years ago
Kiva olut.
Tuomas S
@ Salama Brewing4 years ago
Rusinainen, suklainen ja liköörinen
Petri V
@ Salama Brewing4 years ago
@ Salama Brewing4 years ago
Gotta kill this before the winter is totally history. ❄️⛄💦🌞
Murky, deep dark brown beer that resembles cola is what I have now in the glass. Carbonation behaves obediently and creates a beige, tiny-bubbled head that reaches half a finger's level. The foamy cap dissolves soon to a narrow but rugged lace ring. The glass is left with only a few minuscule dots on its rim.
The fragrance imitates whisky filled dark chocolate praline. Basically nice. And Christmassy for obvious reasons. The olfactory secret reveals fruity aromas and distant vanilla, which is indicative of Bourbon, of course. No smokiness, nor roastedness. I can also pick nuances of dark malt, dark plum and an empty barrel that once hid Bourbon. Attractive but not layered.
The taste punches me straight on my face: it's really thick and quite overwhelming. Bourbon filled dark chocolate praline is still the #1 component. Nevertheless, Bourbon with its discernible vanilla and surprisingly smooth oak barrel storms the taste receptors. The first impression is that nothing else can be found. Little relaxation helps here as I start picking other flavors, too. At least faint rye malt, cacao nibs and fermented dark plum step out of the shadows. Interestingly, the pastry-like flavors intensify when the beer is allowed to gain a bit of warmth. Not a big surprise though. Overall, tasty and slow although still not very complex.
The body is robust, thick and oily. 🖤🖤🖤 The finish smashes loads of Bourbon filled dark chocolate pralines, bags of cacao nibs, barrel aromas and a neat twist of vanilla. Bourbon becomes even bolder in the finish but still not arrogant. The aftertaste rubs chocolate pralines against the tastebuds' faces for quite some time.
The mouthfeel is full, intense, deep and strongly lip-glueing. The beer offers a moderate degree of complexity. Furthermore, the mouthfeel is oily, appealingly thick, slow, definitely barrel aged and warming. Even slightly boozy but in a good way. A top notch brew by Salama!
Ilkka P
@ Salama Brewing4 years ago
Mausteinen. Lämmittävä. Vahva.
Cold Beer
@ Salama Brewing4 years ago
Tämähän oli jäänyt kaapin perälle.
Hyvä,vahva talviolut.
@ Salama Brewing4 years ago