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Piña Colada 5.0%, Smooj, United States
2 ratings
Piña Colada
5.0% Hard Seltzer
Hard Seltzer Smoothie


Post author: Poukonen
@ Panimoyhtiö Tuju Myymälä
4 months ago
Piña Colada, United States
Nyt oli mielenkiintoinen "hard selzer". Paksu ananaksinen smoothie, maukas ja sopivasti makeutta. Ihan eri tyylinen mihin on tottunut suomalaisissa versioissa.

Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
Piña Colada, United States
Another hard seltzer. No Fonzie picture this time. Picture is of the head on this. It's so thick, I took a bite out of it and it stayed. Thick, whipped cream-like head that isn't settling at all. Taste has pineapple primarily and just a little bit of coconut in the finish. The carbonation is much less than the strawberry banana version. Best hard seltzer I've tried so far. 4.5/5