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Imperial Gingerbread Spiced Stout 11.0%, Guinness Open Gate Brewery USA, United States
4 notes
Imperial Gingerbread Spiced Stout
11.0% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout
The winter treat was brewed with allspice, ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg, then aged in bourbon barrels. Brewed with the warmth and merriment of the holiday season in mind, this rich, flavorful stout features notes of baking spices, dark, roasted breads, and holiday baking. The bourbon character is present, as is the characteristic vanilla found in barreled beers


Post author: chigui
@ Dos Robles
4 years ago
Imperial Gingerbread Spiced Stout, United States

Post author: USER31759
4 years ago

Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
Backlog from December 1st Bourbon and cinnamon in the aroma. Taste has cinnamon, bourbon, ginger and vanilla. Smooth mouthfeel, medium-full body and lower amount of carbonation. Nothing groundbreaking, but definitely a solid, delicious stout. Glad I tried it. High 3.75/5