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Babalú 10.0%, Saint Mars of the Desert, England
2 notes
10.0% Imperial Stout
Straight up Russian Imperial Stout


Post author: Michael James P
Michael James P
4 years ago
Babalú, England
Yes, this is very good indeed, coffee, chocolate, nutty. 10% imperial stout. Delicious

Post author: James Š
James Š
@ The Beer Stop
4 years ago
Babalú, England
I’m absolutely gutted I only bought one as this is just awesome. I couldn’t put it down, it just needed to be sipped and swilled around my mouth. Sweet, roasty, hints of coffee but lots of chocolate and slightly metallic. Gets better as it warms. Low carbonation with a medium to full body and hardly a hint of alcohol, finish off this beer nicely. Ditch the adjuncts, trust the barley and oats. No cocoa nibs, lactose, coffee beans, Oreos m, tonka beans or Reece’s pieces were hurt in the making of this beer... No, honestly they weren’t!