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This Stout Just Got Serious 11.0%, Untitled Art, United States
2 notes
This Stout Just Got Serious
11.0% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout


Post author: Edgeworth
@ Mentone
4 years ago
This Stout Just Got Serious, United States
Sharing this with my son-in-law in Galveston Texas with Duo. Found this beer at HEB even though it comes out of Wisconsin. At five bucks a can, it better be good. Begins with a deep tan head that doesn't last. Expected dark brown, opaque color. Here comes an intense malted milk chocolate and alcohol aroma. Texture is very thick and heavy, creamy as ####. Flavor is intense. It is the definition of a malted milk ball. If you have ever had one of these round chocolate covered malt balls then you know what I'm talking about. Has plenty of alcohol present also. No change when the finish continues this experience. I have refrained from giving any more brews a 5.0 rating but since my son-in-law concurs, this one is going to hit the top of my scale. Even at this price, I would easily choose to have another.

Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
Chocolate and lactose in the aroma. Taste has rich milk chocolate and creamy lactose. This is seriously smooth. Very rich and leaves a stickiness on the lips after each sip. Full body, smooth mouthfeel and a medium-low amount of carbonation. Definitely a winner. High 4.25/5