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Renegade Red Ale is our take on the classic Irish style. A trinity of malts and a trinity of hops result in a balanced ruby red beer with soft notes of caramel and roasted barley. The addition of wheat gives Renegade its silky-smooth body.
Taking inspiration from Countess Markievicz an Irish politician, Revolutionary, Nationalist, Suffragist and Philanthropist.
al Azraq, el blau
1 year ago
Mathilde M
3 years ago
Mr Car-los
3 years ago
Thibault S
3 years ago
4 years ago
Jari J
@ Pint Please Headquarters4 years ago
Canned on 7.9.2020
Temperature: +10 C
Good looking Red Ale with brown/red color. Creamy, off-white head with good retention and laces on the glass. Very nice, looks clean: 4,75/5
The nose is toasty and caramelly, with fruity hues and some clean, cracker-like malty aromas. Seems fresh and well made: 4,25/5
Mouthfeel feels a bit too light, which leads to a feeling of carbonated water in the mouth, especially when the carbonation feels sharp. Low bitterness: 2,5/5
The taste is malty, caramelly, sharp...dull. Doesn't last long and the sharpness in the taste feels just too strongly: 7/15
This started out so well but eventually turned out to be not so great of a beer. I just can't get the idea out off my head that I'm drinking beer flavored carbonated water😝9/20