5 months ago
Mark S
7 months ago
A very peculiar pour with this lager, it is almost flat straight out of the fridge as the golden yellow body is almost entirely without bubbles. There is no head, or any foam whatsoever and the body has a dull haze that makes it reminiscent of a sour.
The scent is, well it's almost utterly odourless with only sharp citrus hops present. Funnily enough the citrus hops do have a sour sort of funk to them.
The feeling in the mouth is closer to a lager as it is crisp and refreshing with some presence of bubbles felt on the tongue, despite the flat appearance. But towards the end it rapidly turns foamy, and just as quickly, that foam dissipates into nothing.
Taste is unbelievably dull. A little sharp citrus upfront which quickly dilutes to water, then a punch of malted barley that carries into the premature finish leaving nothing of an aftertaste to speak of.
I hope this was a bad bottle and if I get the chance, I'll try it again before I leave.
2 years ago
José Pedro O
4 years ago