Sour Ale Rhubarb Special Brew 4.0%, Nilkko Brewing, Finland
37 ratings
Sour Ale Rhubarb Special Brew
4.0% Sour / Wild Ale


Post author: WexiLahti
@ K-Citymarket Pirkkala
4 years ago
Sour Ale Rhubarb Special Brew, Finland
Intensive brewing day 😅 A couple of Sahtis and a set of other Historical Ales in process. Hazy, grapefruit-pulp-hued beer with introvert carbonation sets a pure white, bubbleless moussy head that exceeds one finger. A neat lacing decorates the top for long. Rhubarb joins gooseberry on the nose. The scent is quite sweet as if sugared. Wheat malt backs up in the distance. Nice, as if boiled mushy rhubarb mash. Rhubarb is astonishingly soft and unacidic, exactly like boiled rhubarb mash. I can also detect a bit of apple, raw gooseberry and refreshing wheat malt. The body is light. The finish is medium-sour with rhubarb, gooseberry, wheat malt and a gentle citrusy touch. The aftertaste gazes at pillowy clouds passing by in the sky and feels happy. The mouthfeel is light, juicy, refreshing and summery. It's mildly tart, unexpectedly soft and relatively smooth. Nice but a bit powerless.

Post author: Willy
@ K-Citymarket Lielahti
4 years ago
Sour Ale Rhubarb Special Brew, Finland
Kevyt ja sopivan hapan sour.

Post author: Tero R
Tero R
@ K-market Metsäkulma
4 years ago

Post author: Toni H
Toni H
4 years ago

Post author: Eskimo
@ K-Market Vellamonkatu
4 years ago
Sour Ale Rhubarb Special Brew, Finland
Kepeän raikas ja maltillisen hapan olut. Toimii kuumana päivänä hienosti. Kestäisi voimakkaamman humaloinnin ja tiukemman happamuuden. Jää vähän kesyksi, vaikka sinällään ei moitittavaa.

Post author: Mikko T
Mikko T
4 years ago

Post author: Teemu V
Teemu V
4 years ago

Post author: Elma S
Elma S
@ K-Citymarket Pirkkala
4 years ago
Sour Ale Rhubarb Special Brew, Finland

Post author: Tornipipo
4 years ago

Post author: Frankenpint's Monster
Frankenpint's Monster
4 years ago
This was bit of a let down I'm honest. First the color is nice and yellow, there was very little foam which disappeared quickly. Nose told me nothing, there is very slight hint of rhubarb but I might be just imagining it. The initial taste is malty, with hint of rhubarb. But only a hint, it comes out bit better in the aftertaste but it's still very subtle. Other than that it is nicely sour and dry, but loses stars for the fact that the rhubarb was barely detectable