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Murko Polo IPA 7.2%, Austin Brothers' Beer Company, United States
1 notes
Murko Polo IPA
7.2% New England IPA / Hazy IPA


Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
Latest release in the Murky series from Austin Brothers. I love the names and definitely love to see what they come up with next. I automatically buy a 4-pack of the beers in this series, because I know the quality is there. I can't wait to one day visit the brewery. Tropical aroma. Taste has passion fruit, pineapple, oranges and mango. The hops are citrusy and tropical. Definitely a summer beer. Not super refreshing, but it hits the spot and is very tasty. I definitely am looking forward to my remaining 2 cans (gave 1 to the girlfriend). 4.25/5