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Imperial Stout Double Mash Vanilla & Almond 9.5%, Vault City Brewing, Scotland
3 ratings
Imperial Stout Double Mash Vanilla & Almond
9.5% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout
Double mashed Imperial Stout for full depth of malt character infused with Vanilla and Almond.


Post author: Vicki
4 years ago

Post author: Deek69
4 years ago
Since our evil leader has stopped me going to the boozer I thought I'd treat myself to some beers from the fine wine company shop. Dear shit but still a cheap night. At about £6 a bottle this better be good. Not really getting the vanilla or the almond. Just tastes like a regular imperial stout. 9.5% makes up for it though. Could probably have got half a dozen cans of special brew for the same price!!

Post author: James McAuley
James McAuley
4 years ago
Not my cup of tea.