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Imperial Banana 11.4%, Vocation Brewery, England
51 notes
Imperial Banana
11.4% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout
IMPERIAL BANANA An opulent double-mash stout with intense notes of dark chocolate and banana. Aged in oak barrels for added flavour, depth and complexity. BARREL AGED SERIES These beers explore the boundaries of barrel ageing. Complex flavour profiles created in small batches from our brewery in Hebden Bridge.
Vieillie en fût


Post author: Cedric C
Cedric C
4 months ago
Imperial Banana, England
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 un impérial stout vieilli en fût, gardé deux ans en cave. On est bien sur des notes de chocolat noir, de banane et de céréales grillées. Le côté barrel aged est bien présent. Un stout plein de rondeur et bien alcooleux. Ça réchauffe les papilles.

Post author: Vapes
@ Tesco Pontardawe
2 years ago

Post author: Miggins
2 years ago
Imperial Banana, England
Chocolate and bananas with a strong alcoholic finish

Post author: Peeco82
2 years ago
As close as you ever will get to a 10 out of 10 or 5 out of 5 in this review. For a stout it bloody fantastic. So smooth bo sharpness to it. Its nicely sweeted with a oh so lovely banana twist to it. You will be wrong not to try it even if it is an 11.4

Post author: Kenny Rodger
Kenny Rodger
2 years ago
Smells of banana, taste is banana with a slight bitterness and a nice roasted malt aftertaste

Post author: Vincent H
Vincent H
2 years ago

Post author: Karl G
Karl G
@ The Beer Stop
2 years ago
Imperial Banana, England
It’s only downfall is the sweetness. Otherwise this dark black fluid with a quickly dissipating weak head is wonderful. Lots of banana flavour and not so much stout.

Post author: Miggins
@ The Goods Shed, Canterbury.
2 years ago
Imperial Banana, England
Chocolate, coffee an a big banana flavour, an excellent dessert beer being very sweet.

Post author: IPAzad
3 years ago
Journée banane après le semi marathon de Paris 🍌 L'amertume présente mais moderée et contrebalancée par la texture onctueuse, les notes de bananes se font sentir, celles de chocolat beaucoup moins, avec sur l'arrière plan de légères notes grillées, le tout enveloppé par des notes d'alcool A l'inverse, le côté vieilli en fûts ne se fait pas du tout ressentir

Post author: Noël Mammaire
Noël Mammaire
3 years ago
Imperial Banana, England
En attendant l'arrivée des chars une petite is à la banane, dès le début cela resort étonnamment bien et accompagné du chocolat qui arrive derrière cela fait un bon mélange. C'est riche et gras on retrouve en longueur des arômes de bourbon, barrel aged oblige.