Join Us On A Transcendental Journey Free From The Shackles Of Physical Existence And Beyond The Known Realms Of Consciousness. Let Your Mind'S Eye Guide You To The Astral Planes Of Extrasensory Non-Being Where We Will Collectively Ride The Cosmic Wave Of Unity Deep Inside The Endless Barrel Of The Infinite Void. Also, This Is A Strong Hoppy Beer.
Kentucky Wet Beer
2 years ago
@ Liquor Plus7 years ago
Big juicy aromas of fruity hops goodness. Tropicals, tangerine, stone fruit, citrus and pine.
Nice juicy flavours but with a decent helping of bitterness. The hops are really the focus here obviously,but there is an alcohol flavour that is quite strong. makes sense since it is 9%.
I can pick up some of the malt in the far back but the hops. What I'm picking up is a ever so slightly caramel breadiness.
A good IPA. Juicier than standard IPAs, but not yet a new England IPA. A little too bitter and not hazy enough for that. Kind of a hybrid. Nice brew. Thanks Tofino brewing co.