Kristo L
@ Õllenaut4 years ago
4 years ago
Quite interestin beer. Smoked ham on the aroma, just add toast! Very sweet on the nose, almost like banana taste. Finnish sahti comes to mind. The taste evolves to peat smoked ham that gives way ever so slowly to slight bitterness that swings back to smoke and on and on. Highly complex taste that takes time to develope properly. Mind the temperature! Peat is present more or less all the time. Not to be enjoyed fast, this is extremely slow beer. Give it time and it blooms.
Aleksi L
@ Sip Veini- ja Õllepood4 years ago
Huh, nyt on reilusti savua tuoksussa ja maussa. Vaikka savua onkin reippaasti, ei maussa ole pistävää vivahdetta. Muuten kyllä hyvin makea olut, jota joutuu tovin maistelemaan.
Voltit eivät makeudesta läpi puske mikä on erittäin hyvä.