Retale 5.5%, Mallaskellari, Finland
11 ratings
5.5% Irish Ale


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Olarin Panimo Kauppa & Taproom (SULJETTU)
5 years ago
Retale, Finland
Extended Quarantine Day #88. Semihazy, brown beer with a strawberry juice tint and lavish carbonation unleashes a soapy, cream-yellow head that equals three fingers. The foamy tower melts gradually down to a soft lacing on the surface. The retreating froth leaves a few horizontal patterns on the glass. The scent offers strong grainy malt and multigrain bread. I can also detect a limited yeasty note among the olfactory components. The simple fragrance is accompanied by a distant idea of hops. The taste serves powerful malt with a distinct grainy twist. The bready side can also be found but it's relatively modest. The hops are -- following the road that the scent paved -- moderate although not as subdued as on the nose. I can also pick a reasonable amount of caramel, a suggestion of lingonberry mash and a tad stuffy yeast in the background. Perhaps a silent sigh of wort lingers additionally on the taste receptors. The body is light-medium. The beer finishes with a tad more bitter-leaning malt that is still pronounced and slightly hopped. Caramel portrays also a caramelly nuance. Very classical package overall. The aftertaste rolls on tongue for some time. The mouthfeel is medium-strong, old-school, a bit heavy and autumnal. Back to basics.

Post author: Jneed
5 years ago
Retale, Finland

Post author: Esko N
Esko N
@ Mallaskellari
5 years ago
Retale, Finland
Meripihkainen sävy hieman utuisessa oluessa. Vaahtokukka kestää tosi hyvin nesteen pinnalla. Tuoksu on hieman maltaisen makea. Maussa dominoi mallas, selkeä ja vahva karamellinen maku. Kokonaisuus on limppuinen. Loppumaku on laimea. Jälkimauksi jää makea toffeisuus. Maisteltu 28.2.

Post author: Hilkka H
Hilkka H
@ Maistilan Panimon Myymälä
5 years ago
Nyt on omaan makuun oikein passeli ale. Vahingossa meni pikkuisen liian kylmäksi mutta huoneutuessaan avautui kauran makeus ja pehmeät humalat lopusta. Parempi puolisko haukkui hiivaiseksi mutta minulta ei moitetta sen suhteen, eikö tässä kuulukin olla vähän sameutta. Raikas, tasapainoinen, menis monen ruuan kanssa.

Post author: Kupla
@ Maistilan Panimon Myymälä
5 years ago
Retale, Finland
Liian makeaa. Redale ei ole mun juoma.

Post author: Jouni H
Jouni H
@ Maistilan Panimon Myymälä
5 years ago

Post author: Sami V
Sami V
@ Maistilan Panimon Myymälä
5 years ago
Hivenen makea, karamellinen. Mukavan makuinen olut ulkoilun päätteeksi pihvin kaverina. Koronan takia tätä sai Maistilan myymälästä pullossa.

Post author: Jneed
5 years ago
Retale, Finland
Hyvä olunen.

Post author: nietsrd
@ Maistilan Panimon Myymälä
5 years ago
Retale, Finland

Post author: Apobase
@ Mallaskellari
5 years ago
Retale, Finland