4 years ago
4 years ago
Jari J
@ Beerdome4 years ago
Bottled 12/2019
Temperature: +14 C
Aged in Bourbon and Sherry barrels. Apparently, the beer has spent year or so in the barrels. This could be interesting.
Pours with dark brown color. Close to black but not quite. A small head disappears almost immediately. Only a thin circle going around the surface stays. Viscosity is quite thick: 3,5/5
Damn, Sherry + Bourbon goes well together. Soft vanilla from Bourbon tames the aggressive Sherry character. There's also a darker, sweet fruits, even a hint of cigar and sugary sweetness. Quite nice. Although all the amazing aromas could go deeper. Now they all just seem to stay on the surface: 4/5
Mouthfeel is medium-full with surprisingly lively carbonation. The beer looks there's almost zero carbonation but yes there are. Subtle sparkling feels with every sip. Alcohol feels nice and warm. Low bitterness but the oaky barrel notes makes a nice stand. Very good: 4,5/5
Taste is fortunately much deeper than the aroma. First comes the malty flavors with sweet fruits and sweet malt with some coffee and chocolate. There's a leathery/cigar flavor as well. This is then followed by the mixture of Bourbon and Sherry as well as oak. The alcohol taste seems also get the Bourbon and Sherry like characters. Neat combo. Finally, a sticky spiciness comes along. Perhaps from the rye malt used in this beer: 12,5/15
Nice, slow sipper. Just a way I like my nightcaps. Lots of character and flavors. Maybe the best beer from Uiltje I've tasted. The something truly amazing is missing though and I feel that despite I like this now, I'll soon forget this beer: 16/20
Samuli K
4 years ago
@ Uiltje Webshop4 years ago
Aivan loistava imppi stoutti!
Main Brewer
4 years ago
Oikein miellyttävä stout! Ei yhtään liian imelä, koko paketti kokonaisuudessaan kasassa loistavasti. Paahteisuus oli juuri sopiva ja jätti juoman loppumauille tilaa 👌 Parasta ennen päivä tällä erällä 2029, mikä antoi heti ajatuksen, että miltähän tämä maistuisi muutaman vuoden päästä 😋
4 years ago
Une impérial stout barel aged de chez uiljte 🇳🇱 titrant à 12,8% et vieillie dans plusieurs fut de single malt écossais du speyside dont graigellachie et glenrothes pour ne citer que , sa couleur noir et son anneaux mousseux de couleur crème , elle dégage un arôme fort d’alcool dans un premier temps puis arrive des notes secondaire caféiné . En bouche c’est liquoreux , un poil sirupeux , des arômes de café et de chocolat se dévoilent avant de laisser place à une vague alcoolisé qui vous envahie le palet et qui vous poursuit jusque là final avec une arrière note de café . Une bonne bière pas très (même pas du tout) rafraîchissante , à boire plutôt en apéritif ou voir même en digestif après un bon repas .
4 years ago
Christopher O
5 years ago
5 years ago