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Ben 6.1%, Chien Bleu, Switzerland
3 ratings
6.1% Scottish Ale


Post author: Decrausaz L.
Decrausaz L.
4 years ago
Bière de couleur jaune brune. Petite mousse et houblons présents. Au nez, on sent des notes de biscottes. En bouche, pareil, le bon goût de la biscotte se ressent aussi. Par contre, la bière est légèrement trop gazeuse à mon goût. Au final, c’est une bière correcte.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Drinks of the World, Geneva
5 years ago
Ben, Switzerland
Lucid, copper beer with spotty carbonation builds a tiny-bubbled, off-white head that tries to brag up to many fingers but soon collects itself and calms down to a tame lacing on top. The impulsive foam leaves though nothing behind. The fragrance churns medium-sweet malt, some crackers and a pinch of Belgian yeast albeit this is by no means a Belgian-style brew. The tongue experiences effervescent medium-sweet malt, crackers and wheat biscuit. I can additionally detect a small injection of dried apricot, still a pinch of Belgian yeast and a suggestion of lemon peel. The body is light-medium. The beer ends truly short with slightly bitter, medium-strong malt, crackers and a tad medium-sweet biscuit, accompanied by faint bitter caramel. The mouthfeel is, first and foremost, extremely spritzy. It's difficult to understand how come a Scottish Ale can be so carbonated. 😳 The mouthfeel is also distantly lip-glueing, yet faintly tangy and medium-strong. Not a very good example of this particular category.