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Masterbar 10.5%, Browar PINTA, Poland
1 ratings
10.5% Barley Wine


Post author: God-Emperor's Wraith Form
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
5 years ago
Masterbar, Poland
Next up, a Polish basic style BW. Best before 31/05/21 so I'm guessing it's little less than a year old. Scent is quite basic indeed. Sweet, grainy barley. Caramel. Taste has quite a lot fruitiness to it. Peaches, oranges, apricot, caramel, lot of overripe fruits. Hit of alcohol at finish. Grapefruit. Bubblegum. Quite a quirky one. Unexpectedly fruity. Not too bad, but nothing special really (like the description in UT says lol).