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J&A Saison 9.0%, J&A Homebrewers, Finland
1 arviota
J&A Saison
9.0% Saison / Farmhouse Ale


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Korvatunturi
5 years ago
J&A Saison, Finland
Santa Claus was nice this year and gave a bunch of homebrews.  🎅🏻🙏🏻🍺  The first beer is an Imperial Saison with 9 % ABV. Semihazy, honey-amber beer with timid, short-lived carbonation creates a pure white, velvety head that barely reaches half a finger's height. The foamy cap dissolves soon to a hair-thin lacing on top and eventually totally still. The scent is intriguingly fruity: I pick lemon zest, orange peel, a bit of musty yeast and fairly recognizeable coriander, supported by a wheaty backbone. The tongue receives relatively strong, bitter orange peel, lemon pith and a decent injection of coriander. Wheat malt is a bit stuffy and brings in a tangy impression that is intensified by the alcoholic touch. The body is light. The beer finishes with bitter wheat malt, citrus pith and a slightly oppressive alcoholic amendment. Coriander seems to fade away in the end. The finish comes to an end after a short to medium duration. The mouthfeel is light, a bit tangy, slightly musty and flat. Alcohol is distinct and leaves a chemical and warming impression behind. Somewhat challenging. Starts appealing but doesn't fully deliver its potential. Could be more refreshing, as well. The rather high ABV of 9 % brings nothing extra to the body, nor palate compared to a lower ABV.