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Storm In A Teacup 15.0%, Wander Beyond Brewing, England
8 notes
Storm In A Teacup
15.0% Imperial Stout


Post author: Jari J
Jari J
4 years ago
Storm In A Teacup, England
Merry Christmas to all! This one from the Christmas calendar. Canned on: end of September 2019 Temperature: +13,5 C Black is the color of this one. Quite large head and with good retention. Especially when considering the 15% ABV. The texture looks thick but not surypy, like some beers in this category: 4,5/5 Smells like a coffee liqueur! And then comes the maple and lactose sweetness. I like this. This is like a breakfast that is a dessert at the same time: 4,5/5 Mouthfeel is a little disappointing. Full body but astringent and the carbonation seems to tickle the mouth. Although, the carbonation really isn't that strong. Weird🤷‍♂️alcohol is surprisingly mild. But after the initial shock, this is ok: 3,5/5 Taste of coffee, sweetness, maple, even some vanilla (no idea where that comes from), chocolate, and roastiness. The aftertaste is a bit astringent and somewhat casts a shadow on the whole flavor. Until that aftertaste hits, nice flavor: 11,5/15 Decent beer despite those few flaws. Easily drinkable for the beer with this ABV. Good flavors, not the best one but overall positive experience. The can size is perfect for this beer and I'd personally like to see more breweries use these sized cans: 15,5/20 =39,5/50

Post author: VP
@ De BierTonne
4 years ago
Storm In A Teacup, England

Post author: Winzard
@ De BierTonne
4 years ago
Storm In A Teacup, England
Illan viimeiset hitaat tänään erittäin sympaattisen kokoisen oluen kanssa. Tämä 0,25l kokoinen tölkki pitää sisällään Wander Beyondin 15% IS:n. UT ka 4,37 antaa odottaa erittäin hyvää olutta. Olut kaatuu lasiin mustana ja öljyisen paksuna. Pinnalle nousee todella paksu ruskeahko vaahto. Tuoksussa on siirappia, suklaata, paahteista mallasta ja limppuisuutta. Melko mieto kokonaisuus. Maku on tuoksua huomattavasti parempi. Todella runsasta lakritsaa, suklaata, siirappia ja tummaa maltaisuutta. Taustalla kuivahedelmää, keksisyyttä ja greippistä katkeroa. Suutuntuma on runsas ja paksu. Alkoholi nostaa hieman päätään, mutta ei häiritse. Intensiivinen ja voimakas IS. Kääntyy sinne pastryn puoleen kyllä makeutensa kanssa. Kokonaisuus on kuitenkin mielestäni hieman levoton, ja kaikki maut eivät istu saumattomasti yhteen. Alkoholin ei myöskään kuuluisi maistua.

Post author: NaeZae
4 years ago
Storm In A Teacup, England
Ut 4.37 lupailee hyvää, joten katotaas. Ai että kuin hyvä "yöpala", vaikka tölkissä lukee breakfast. Aikas makeaa tavaraa ja ihmettelen kyllä kuinka paljon ja kuin voimakkaita maut oikeen tässä tekeleessä ovat 🤩 Vaahterasiirappia, kahvia, lakritsaa ja hieman suklaata. Tahmaavaa staffia, alkoholi pysyy hyvin piilossa vaikka abv 15%!

Post author: Lasis
@ De BierTonne
4 years ago
Storm In A Teacup, England
Mustaa. Kuohkea beige vaahto. Tuoksu siirappia ja suklaata. Maku suklainen, vaahterasiirappia, kahvia ja pähkinää. Sopivasti alko lämmittää sydäntä. Miellyttävä olut.

Post author: God-Emperor's Wraith Form
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
@ De Bierliefhebber
4 years ago
Storm In A Teacup, England
This small can is very cute! Like a regular big one sliced in half. Decadent blast of maple syrup and chocolate when opening the can. This can't be bad. (Guess some of that blast reached the background wall as well...) Scent has Lorelei vibes to it. Sweetness, chocolate, plenty of maple syrup, some earthiness of coffee. Hazelnuts. Taste has earthy, bit sourish coffee, maple syrup, caramel, chocolate, hazelnuts. Sweet it is, but not overly so. Finish is roundly sweet though gives a lot of warmth. Mouthfeel. Thick, smooth, though alcoholic warmth is very present. Still, quite neatly concealed in flavour and it's not that overbearing anyway. Comes in, fills the mouth, then goes away with yearn to sip some more. Yum. Sure is tasty, though the earthy sourness is quite weird. Probably coming from coffee beans used. It's not even too sweet. Hmmh. It's different than I expected, still enjoyable though. For this abv % it's huge success.

Post author: Send_more_beer
5 years ago

Post author: JSJ
5 years ago