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Fear of Zefir 10.0%, AF Brew, Russia
8 notes
Fear of Zefir
10.0% Imperial Stout


Post author: Robin L
Robin L
5 years ago
Impériale stout très réussi avec de bon arômes de marshmallow mais aussi très compliquée à consommer car trop lourd et trop sucré.. idéal pour les desserts !

Post author: Wotanik
@ De Bierliefhebber
5 years ago

Post author: Sartsa86
5 years ago

Post author: NaeZae
5 years ago
Fear of Zefir, Russia

Post author: muikku3
@ Beerdome
5 years ago
Fear of Zefir, Russia
Vkl alkamassa kaadetanpas AF × Lervig ImpStouttia lasiin😛. Perskuta rallaa kyllähän sielä tuoksussa on mitä luvataankin pullon kyljessä😅.Elikkä selkeästi tulee vaahtokarkit vaahterasiirapin kanssa esiin.(myös tukkoisella nenällä) Maku on melko täyteläinen sopivan tukevahkolla suutuntumalla.Hapotus tuntuu jokseenkin vähän yli ampuvan runsaalta.Makujen osalta tippuu kuiteskin hyvin allekirjoittaneelle. Vaahterasiippi toimii hienosti yhteen pehmeän karamellisuuden(fudge) ja mukavan vaahtokarkkisen vaniljaisen maun kanssa.(ihan kuin tästä irtoisi vähän vadelmankin makua).Jälkimainingeilla vielä kevyesti suklaata,kahvetta ja paahteisempaa maltaisuutta. Onnistunut tuotos,mikä katoaa jälkiä jättämättä nopeasti perjantai iltanana lasista naamariin.😎👊🏻

Post author: Wosing
5 years ago
Un stout ultra sucré et ayant un fort goût de marshmallow. C'est parfait en dessert.

Post author: Jari J
Jari J
@ Beer Republic Web Shop
5 years ago
Fear of Zefir, Russia
Can Lervig and AF Brew make bad Imperial Stout? I think not but let's see. Can. Canned on 26.9.2019 Temperature: +13 C The beer started foaming immediately when opened... Yikes! Not a good sign on Imperial stouts. And the head looks a bit soapy but it's a long lasting layer on top of the coffee brown beer: 3/5 Nose is a dessert-like with both marshmallow and maple syrup giving their own distinct aromas and sweetness to this. Luckily, this doesn't get too sweet, as the roasty and coffee notes come along: 4/5 I was fearing about carbonation being too strong due to the foam but thank god, this isn't. Full, a bit oily body but with lots of roasty sting. Overall seems sharp and unbalanced. Perhaps too young? 3,5/5 Taste has tons of sweetness and marshmallow/maple syrup flavors with fruitiness, alcohol taste, and strong roasty character. Chocolate at the end before the beer turns into a lingering, roasty sweet aftertaste. Alcohol is somewhat hot, so this definitely too young. Plus the taste is also all over the place (unbalanced). Big beer nevertheless and with strong flavors: 11/15 Needs more time, definitely. All the good aspects that make good Imperial stout are here but they have yet to completely interwoven: 15/20 =36,5/50

Post author: VeliWestside
@ De Bierliefhebber
5 years ago
Fear of Zefir, Russia
New beer on PintPlease. AF Brew collabo with Lervig, Fear of Zefir. Name sounds like there's a big story behind all of this. Might have to google this one later on. Pours black in color, dark brown color on the edges as I turn my glass. Nearly three fingers thick mocca head that is fluffy and airy. Dissolves rapidly. Aroma is soooo sweet with maple suryp, marshmallow, vanilla, chocolate and caramel. Roasted malts also. Really sweet. Just my thing. Taste follows nicely aroma with its sweetness. Marshmallows, caramel, vanilla and lots of sugar and syryp. Quite full, lip-glueing sweetness and warming booziness at the end. I dig this a lot. If you don't like sweet stuff this ain't yours to drink.