Jóla Kaldi Sukkuladi Porter 6.5%, Bruggsmiđjan, Iceland
2 ratings
Jóla Kaldi Sukkuladi Porter
6.5% Flavoured Porter / Pastry Porter


Post author: Alexander B
Alexander B
2 years ago
Jóla Kaldi Sukkuladi Porter, Iceland

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Vínbúðin Selfoss
5 years ago
Jóla Kaldi Sukkuladi Porter, Iceland
Opaque, pitch black beer with lazy, rapidly fading carbonation builds a fluffy, beige head that elevates up to three fingers. The foamy tower collapses slowly to a patchy moldy lacing wafting on the surface. The retreating foam leaves abundant cobwebs on the glass. The fragrance puts forward licorice and a subtle injection of raw chocolate, accompanied by relatively round Bourbon and a coffeeish note. The taste is strongish but a bit lame. I get a decent amount of licorice root, coarse raw chocolate and even more coarse raw cacao powder that lie on the bed of rye malt. Additionally, I find a drop of Bourbon as well as a pinch of charcoal. The body is medium, which is understandable for the ABV of 6.5 %. The beer finishes with harsh rye malt, raw chocolate, a tad licorice and crushed burned coffee beans. No Bourbon in the finish. The aftertaste rolls on tongue for a relatively long time. The mouthfeel is strong, rather harsh, young and notably mouth-drying. It's also burned and a bit charred. The second small picture is of the place where North American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet. There's a bridge over which you can basically cross between North America and Europe, in the geological sense.