@ Bryggjan Brugghús5 years ago
The second beer of the flight fills the glass as opaque, jet black with a neat, light beige head that falls short of one finger's height. The foamy cap dissolves soon to a thin lace ring on top.
The scent offers awkward rubber and faint burned malt. The tongue receives first a sharp coffeeish note. Right thereafter, I start getting some truffle, a bit of tobacco and burned malt.
The body is light-medium. The beer ends with a dry nuance of bonfire, a small heap of burned coffee beans, remote tobacco and a distant whisper of ash. The aftertaste confuses the tastebuds for rather long.
The mouthfeel is relatively dry and mouth-drying but simultaneously also lip-glueing. It's also quite light, fairly crisp and sharp.
If the first tasting was unconvincing, this one is even less rewarding.