1 Bewertungen
Olde English 800 7.5%
7.5% Malt Liquor
@ Lucky7, Hughes Ln5 years ago
Today's Malt Liquor is Olde English "800" with 7.5 %. It pours lucid, deep gold. The rich, regular-duration carbonation frees a snow-white, small-bubbled head that builds itself up one and a half fingers tall. The foamy cap contracts soon to a hair-thin lacing on the surface. Lace waves decorate the side of the glass.
The scent unleashes medium-sweet pale malt and a biscuity whisper.
The taste is very predictable: medium-sweet pale malt, significantly oppressed hops and a tad biscuit. Alcohol is nowhere to be tasted. The body is light-medium to medium. The beer finishes with no change from the actual taste. The finish is short.
The mouthfeel is slightly lip-glueing, soft, smooth and clean. No adjuncts.
This makes my fifth Malt Liquor. I'm still not a fan of them but, on the other hand, neither are they as bad as I was afraid of.