5 years ago
Meidän Pintin oman Jari J:n teos seuraavaksi vuoroon. Mukavan; pienen tovin, kypsynyt Imperial Stout vuoroon.
OLUT: Tsaari Edward (Vol.3)
PANIMO: Humaloidi Homebrewing
OLUTTYYPPI: Imperial Stout
MAA: Suomi
VÄRI (EBC): Kahvinmusta (75.0)
TUOKSU: Viekkoitteva. Kahvipapua, paahtomallasta. Mukavan pehmeä ja kehittyvä lämmön mukaan.
VAAHTO: Tiivis ja pienikuplainen. Melko nopea ja kepeästi kermainen.
Ranskalaisilla tammilastuilla ja vaniljapavuilla maustettu Imperial Stout.
Suutuntu on miellyttävän kuohkea, sopivan maltainen ja hyvätasoisella kuohulla rakennettu. Hiilihapot ovat kuohkeita, tasaisia ja tuollalailla mukavan tyrskyävästi töitä tekeviä, jotta maut heräisivät. Runko on kepeä, hyvin kepeä Imperial Stouttiin. Nautin tämän stouttina kuitenkin, niin mikäpäs tuossa.
Sitten nämä maut. Kahvia, kepeästi paahdettua mallasta, kuivaa tammipuuta ja tuoksusta lähtien mukana ollut ruusu löytyy nyt maussakin niin selkeästi, että enää sitä ei voi sivuuttaa. Kuinka poikkeuksellista onkaan löytää ruusua oluesta! Upean pehmeän silkkinen ja sillälailla viehkon kaunis se nimenomaan on. Teossa mainitut vaniljapavut ovat erittäin hyvin uppoutuneet kokonaisuuteen, täydentävät kokonaisuutta pehmentäen ja hienoisella lisällään hyvin eikä sitä lisää meinaa huomatakkaan.
Jälkirytinässä kolistellaan aavistuksenomaisella näkkileivällä, hyvinkin kehittyvällä kuiva tammisuudella, aivan kepeällä ja ronskisti kehittyvällä mineraalisuudella ja seuraavaa siemausta odotellen. Pihkuna sentään hei!
Imperial Stout tämä ei omassa suussa ole. Ei tietenkään. Perus stouttina kuitenkin erittäin hieno! Hyvin löytyy puhtaita makuja ja itselle tarttuu myös persoonaa mukaan niin selkeästi. On kyllä mukavaa nautittavaa. Kepeää tietenkin, mutta mikäpä tuossa, kun tällaista saa nauttia.
1.Homebrew olut itselle ja voi, että kun olen iloinen tästä! Ehtaa käsityölaatua ja orastavaa kokeilunhalua tässä on! Juuri sitä ehtaa craft-meininkiä. Täysi arvostus 🙏🏼
BOTTLED 19/10/2019
TASTED 23/4/2020
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
@ Pint Please Headquarters5 years ago
Homebrews by Jari J. Always interesting beers by this man! Perfect temperature when picked straight from the cellar. Bottled exactly 4 months ago.
Scent has lot of dominating oak chips. Perhaps a little lactose as well?
Body is surprisingly full. Smooth and thick. Little carbonation, but still enough.
Taste is long. First, we get a lot of those oak chips again, with slight spiciness from rye. Finish comes prominent with vanilla blending into oakiness bit by bit. Lactose doesn't taste, which is nice. Oakiness takes too much space from other flavours though. Finish dries the tongue neatly.
Doesn't feel too bad considering this was supposed to be around 9% abv in recipe. Too much oak, but vanilla still tastes and lactose does round things up. I like the thickness of the body and overall feel. Looking forward to 4th Czar Eddie.
Jari J
@ Humaloidi Homebrewing5 years ago
My homebrewed Imperial stout. If you can call it that. This was supposed to be about 9% ABV but I missed the mash efficiency by some 8% of my usual and ended up with milder wort...
Bottled on 19.10.2019 so this is still very young.
Darker brown in color. Small even head with poor retention. I used some Flaked Barley that was meant to help with head retention but that didn't work. FG of this is ~1.031 and the texture looks thick.
Nose has a pleasant, gentle oak character (French light toast oak) and vanilla. Some bready maltiness and sticky rye character are evident. It probably needs more time. Now, this is too straightforward, however pleasant.
Mouthfeel is soft, medium-full. Low carbonation. Oaky feel merged well with the body. But I would like a bit more oak in here. Originally I was going to go with medium toasted oak but since I had Light on storage, I decided to use it instead. Also, SafAle S-04 yeast definitely gives its own vibe in the mouthfeel, and I'm not really a fan of it on these bigger beers.
Speaking of the yeast, it also tastes. Not as a yeasty, but rather like some kind of bread. And I don't really like that either. Fermentation temperature was kept low so the usual fruity esters S04 provides are not here which was the purpose. The rest of the taste is mild oak and vanilla, and rye plus chocolate notes. Perhaps, indeed too young to consume yet since this misses complexity.
Overall clean flavors except for the yeast. In the future, I'm probably not going to use cheap dry yeasts on big beers (or at least S04). They just seem to be overwhelmed by the amount of sugar they have to eat and thus change their characteristics totally. This recipe also has about 9% roasted malts but surprisingly low roasty aromas. This is most likely due to the water profile and use of lactose. I'm thinking of not using the lactose in my Imperial stouts (well not including the Pastry style brews, one of which is currently waiting to be bottled).
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
5 years ago
Barely any carbonation. That's not how it's supposed to be though, so no rating today.
Scent has vanilla and oak. Very nice.
Taste quite full. Oak, vanilla, cognac, malty. Sweetish finish.
Very delicious taste. Can't wait to have my own properly carbonated bottle.