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Oktoberfest Marzen Lager 5.7%, Cross-Eyed Owl Brewing Company, United States
1 notes
Oktoberfest Marzen Lager
5.7% Oktoberfest / Märzen
On October 12, 1810 Crown Prince Ludwig married the Princess Teresa of Sassonia-Hildburghausen in Munich, Germany. The royal wedding was the beginning of an annual celebration that would spread throughout the world and evolve into a celebration of German Culture. Our Oktoberfest beer is a Marzen Lager. It has an amber/copper color with a rich malt aroma and a toasty, nutty malt profile that finishes moderately dry. There is no hop flavor and only a small amount of hop bitterness to balance the strong maltiness of this beer.


Post author: Edgeworth
5 years ago
Oktoberfest Marzen Lager, United States
New Mercedes and a new Oktoberfest. Fairly high head, thick, but quickly disappears. Aroma is different, a little sweet/sour. Color is a deep reddish copper, clear. Flavor is definitely not like other Oktoberfests. Dry, mild, crisp, and roasted nuts. Not the typical Marzen flavor. Same flavor on the finish but too quick, wanted it to stay longer. Different is good but this is too far from a traditional Oktoberfest for me.