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Earth Liberation 6.3%, White Pony Micro Brewery, Belgium
1 ratings
Earth Liberation
6.3% Sour / Wild Ale


Post author: VeliWestside
5 years ago
Earth Liberation, Belgium
New beer on PintPlease. Only ale in the fridge to have after sauna. White Pony microbrewery and Earth liberation. It's a farmhouse ale fermented with tamarind and bottled with brettanomyces. Best before 9/24. First time I hear this fruit called tamarind. No idea what I'm in for with this one. Pours a bit like copper in color with less than two fingers white head. It is hazy. The foam disappears quickly leaving nothing behind. Lots of yeast on the bottom of the glass. Aroma is fruity, yeasty (must be the brett) and a bit white wine-like. There's also herbs and spices. Aroma is quite pleasing. Flavour then has less sweetness in it, it's citrusy, must be the tamarind. Brett brings wine-like note into this. Slightly herbal, spicy and tart. Has a dry aftertaste. Altogether quite funky and okey. Can't say if it would evolve into better when given more time in the bottle.