Flanders Poppies 7.0%, Butlers, Belgium
3 ratings
Flanders Poppies
7.0% Belgian Ale


Post author: Timo B
Timo B
@ Ozzy's pub
5 years ago
Flanders Poppies, Belgium
Mochten wel wat beter bier gemaakt hebben ter ere van de soldaten die gesneuveld zijn. #Flanders fields ✌🏻

Post author: IPA Paulie
IPA Paulie
5 years ago
Flanders Poppies, Belgium
Brewed with Flanders Poppies to commemorate those that dies in Flanders Fields during the Great War 1914-1918. Unfiltered and unusual Belgium Beer.

Post author: Jeremy A
Jeremy A
5 years ago
Flanders Poppies, Belgium