Barbican Raspberry / باربيكان 0.0%, Aujan Industries Co, United Arab Emirates
9 ratings
Barbican Raspberry / باربيكان
0.0% Fruit / Vegetable Beer


Post author: Ihoden kaljakeisari
Ihoden kaljakeisari
@ Zakrit market
6 months ago
Barbican Raspberry / باربيكان, United Arab Emirates
Ei niin hyvä ja raikas kuin ananas. Tunkkaista vadelmaa.

Post author: Tommi M
Tommi M
@ Bela Market
1 year ago
Barbican Raspberry / باربيكان, United Arab Emirates
Hiekkamaissa osataan valmistaa hyvät juomat, vaikka olut onkin haram. Makoisa vadelmalimsamainen mallasjuoma.

Post author: Anne P
Anne P
1 year ago

Post author: Porterhouse
@ Maria market(suljettu)
3 years ago

Post author: Petri V
Petri V
4 years ago

Post author: Koskimies_j
@ Shawati Markets & Bakeries
4 years ago
Oikein hyvä juoma. Ei tää oikein olut ole.

Post author: GNT
@ Mezza
4 years ago
Barbican Raspberry / باربيكان, United Arab Emirates
VeryNice. No more comments.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Seven Emirates Supermarket, Zayed The First St.
5 years ago
Barbican Raspberry / باربيكان, United Arab Emirates
Let the amazing Barbican journey continue! This time I'll embark on the raspberry edition. The beer colors the same as all the Barbicans: limpid, deep rose-gold. The reasonable, truly short-lived carbonation creates a timid, clean white head that that settles rapidly down to flat still. A sweet aroma of raspberry jam and a tad fruit winegum emanate to the nostrils. Not particularly synthetic but not natural either. The taste portrays rather sweet, fizzy raspberry candy and raspberry-flavored winegum. I can also trace a note of sweet apple juice somewhere in the background. The body is skinny. The beer finishes mostly with unspecifiable fruit winegum and a good amount of sweet apple juice. The aftertaste causes caries to the poor tastebuds over short period. The mouthfeel is thin, massively soft-drink-like, sappy, a bit synthetic and rather effervescent. Probably also refreshing on the beach or at terrace.