Barbican Pomegranate / باربيكان 0.0%, Aujan Industries Co, United Arab Emirates
8 ratings
Barbican Pomegranate / باربيكان
0.0% Fruit / Vegetable Beer


Post author: Salocin D
Salocin D
@ Dubai
10 months ago
Barbican Pomegranate / باربيكان, United Arab Emirates
Limonade met fruit,niets te maken met bier

Post author: Anne P
Anne P
11 months ago

Post author: Julian Selby
Julian Selby
@ Asda Bangor
1 year ago
Barbican Pomegranate / باربيكان, United Arab Emirates
Having a bit of a dry weekend as I’m trying to count the units but this isn’t too bad for a N/A alternative. Refreshing with fruity notes, you can really taste the pomegranate in this.

Post author: Jens S
Jens S
2 years ago
Barbican Pomegranate / باربيكان, United Arab Emirates

Post author: Mikko M
Mikko M
4 years ago
Voittaa maultaan monet limpparit, olueksi en kyllä luokittele😁

Post author: Koskimies_j
@ Shawati Markets & Bakeries
4 years ago
Oikein hyvä juoma. Juoma, koska ei tätä oikein voi olueksi kutsua. Vähiten olut tästä sarjasta mitä on tullut toistaiseksi maisetettua.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Seven Emirates Supermarket, Zayed The First St.
5 years ago
Barbican Pomegranate / باربيكان, United Arab Emirates
Another Barbican for tasting. This beer pours spritzy, limpid, rose-gold. How come do all these "beers" look the same irrespective of the fruit? The explanation most likely lies in the fact that the beers don't contain any real fruit but "Nature Identical Fruit Flavor" and some colorant. There we go. The carbonation is a tad bold, rather spritzy but rushed. A shy, white head bubbles on the surface and eases off quickly. Thereafter the top is still. The fragrance is medium-sweet fruity with distinct pomegranate, a bit of purple grape and a hint of blood orange. The gustatory profile is relatively sweet, offering a cocktail of pomegranate, purple grape, a suggestion of apricot and a good amount of blood orange. Again, no malt and hops anywhere. The body is thin, what else? The aftertaste spreads the same elements as upfront, practically there's no variation. The duration of the aftertaste is short to medium. I may repeat myself but the mouthfeel is thin, sappy, substantially soft-drink-like and spritzy. It's again also lip-glueing and somewhat summery but not extraordinarily refreshing.