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Kotakari Portteri 7.9%, Maistila, Finland
57 notes
Kotakari Portteri
7.9% Porter
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Post author: God-Emperor's Wraith Form
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
@ Maistilan Panimon Myymälä
3 years ago
Kotakari Portteri, Finland
Best before was 06/20. Hazelnut, gingerbread spices, chocolate drycake, plums. Leather, Belgian spices, little earthy nuts at finish. Bit too carbonated, otherwise smooth body. It's not overcarbonated like the one I drank last year, but still was better younger than older.

Post author: Jouni H
Jouni H
@ Maistilan Panimon Myymälä
4 years ago

Post author: God-Emperor's Wraith Form
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
@ Maistilan Panimon Myymälä
4 years ago
Kotakari Portteri, Finland
Evening finisher with a local Porter that I've only had from tap previously. Bought this in last September or so. Loud opening sound. Plenty of sizzling foam. Hopefully it's not overly carbonated. Scent has plums and sweet malts. Don't remember it was like this before. Foam has decided to stay. Okay, fine. Taste has little nuts, slight vanilla, Belgian yeast, actually lot of it. It's like I'm having Belgian strong dark ale. Plums, dark malts and overall Belgiany quad feel. Mouthfeel is semi-full and slightly carbonated. Dry. Umm. Recently I've been thinking that Maistila is doing a lot of Belgiany style beers but how come a beer that didn't taste Belgiany half a year ago can taste so Belgiany now? I don't know. This has probably gone bottle-conditioned a bit too much. I liked it before but not that much anymore.

Post author: Pekka.K. H
Pekka.K. H
@ Maistilan Panimon Myymälä
4 years ago

Post author: Harri Lehti
Harri Lehti
@ Gullinubbi
5 years ago
Turkasen hyvä börsta

Post author: Harri Lehti
Harri Lehti
@ Gullinubbi
5 years ago

Post author: Laitala
5 years ago
Tumma. Paahteinen, aavistuksen makea. Maussa suklaata, kahvia. Pehmeyttä. Myös pähkinäisyyttä ja vaniljaa. Jälkiruoka itsessään.

Post author: Harri Lehti
Harri Lehti
@ Maistilan Panimon Myymälä
5 years ago
Huh. Maistila laatua. Hiukan makea portteriksi

Post author: Riski Reipas
Riski Reipas
5 years ago
Kotakari Portteri, Finland
Todella kuohkea ja kupliva vaahto joka haihtuu rauhalliseen tahtiin. Savuinen, paahteinen ja tuhti tuoksu. Maultaan normaali porteri; kahvia ja suklaata. Hieman vihanneksinen jälkimaku, joten pullo saattaa olla huono. Muuten kelpo porter.

Post author: Harri Lehti
Harri Lehti
@ Gullinubbi
5 years ago
Maistila laatua eli pirun hyvää.