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Sorry Boys 4.9%, Browar Hoplala, Poland
2 arviota
Sorry Boys
4.9% Sour / Wild Ale


Post author: Kugelfisch
@ Wrzesnia
1 year ago
Sorry Boys, Poland
Sehr ungewöhnlich. Rhabarber Kirsch Sauer Ale- es zieht einem die Schleimhäute zusammen..

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Loft
5 years ago
Sorry Boys, Poland
Muddy, deep lingonberry-porridge-colored beer with an off-white, velvety head that reaches one finger and settles gradually down to a frazil-icy lacing wafting on the surface. The scent displays a bit of lingonberry and redcurrant. The olfactory provision is relatively subdued. The palate is a mix of sour rhubarb, some juicy redcurrant, a bit of lingonberry and a nuance of cherry. Cherry is surprisingly moderate albeit it should be in the co-leading role with rhubarb. I also pick a salty note. Quite nice and summery! The light-bodied beer ends with sour rhubarb that gains strength from lingonberry, cranberry, redcurrant and a little injection of cherry. The aftertaste vanishes from the mouth after a while. The mouthfeel is light, neatly tart and a bit puckering. It's also very gardeny, summery and refreshing. Good thirst quencher.