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Mikrozirkus 24 - Granivore 5.2%, Alefried Fermentorium, Austria
1 notes
Mikrozirkus 24 - Granivore
5.2% Saison / Farmhouse Ale


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Ammutsøn Craft Beer Dive
5 years ago
Mikrozirkus 24 - Granivore, Austria
Beer 3/4 of my self-made flight. Cloudy, deep yellow beer with a snow-white, velvety head. The nose experiences a citrusy combination of grapefruit pulp and a tad lemon zest, seasoned with a bit of wild yeast and followed by pineapple and mango. The gustatory package includes fruity elements such as lemon zest, bitter orange peel, a subtle injection of pineapple as well as faint passionfruit. I can also pick a distinct nuance of white wine and a stem of wine yeast. The body is light. The beer's aftertaste allows one to sense pineapple, lemon pulp, bitter orange peel and a nice dollop of white wine. The aftertaste rolls on tongue over short to medium duration. The mouthfeel is light, a tad earthy, light-tart and vinous. The mouthfeel is also surprisingly tropical and nicely refreshing.