5 years ago
5 years ago
couleur: violette foncée.
Mousse: tête bordeau de courte tenue.
Au nez: fruitée, cerises noir, malts.
En bouches: sel, lactique, cerises noires, malts, vinaigre.
5 years ago
Bonne. Acide. Un gout de sucre caramélisé trop présent.
5 years ago
Bonne. Acide. Un gout de sucre caramélisé trop présent.
@ Drinks of the World, Geneva5 years ago
When I saw this beer -- dark cherry gose -- I knew I had to get one. Never had such a beer before, I guess...
Well. The beer pours very deep dark brown with a recognizeable dark ruby tint like Coca-Cola. The rather short-lived, subdued carbonation frees a velvety head that can't exactly grow one finger tall. The color of the head is really unique: light beige-purple as if creamy plum mousse. The funkiness is already now quite promising.
The scent offers an abundant punch of dark plum and a good amount of dark sour cherry. I can also trace an interesting licoriceish nuance of common polypody. Furthermore, I get a pinch of brown sugar in the package.
The taste portrays quite sour dark cherry, relatively hefty blackberry and powerful sour dark plum. I can also get a good dollop of lemon zest and, of course, a moderate note of salt.
The body is light. The beer ends with quite sour blackberry, black cherry and overripe dark plum. The lemon pulp and lemon peel bring in a nice injection of fruity sourness. A faint salty touch reaches the tongue soon. The aftertaste slaps on the tastebuds' faces for rather long.
The mouthfeel is light, juicy, relatively tart and medium-puckering. It's also fairly dry, both a bit mouth-drying and slightly lip-glueing. Overall, quite funky in a positive way! Unique.
Ptitos C
@ Boisson center5 years ago
Excellente, beau mariage!
@ Shop à Piousses6 years ago
Très acide heureusement que la cerise noire adouci le toute pas facile mais bonne gose