Sunday Punch 5.0%, Etko Brewing, Finland
66 ratings
Sunday Punch
5.0% Session IPA


Post author: yoto beer cans
yoto beer cans
5 years ago
Sunday Punch, Finland

Post author: R.Mikko
@ K-Citymarket Ruoholahti
5 years ago
Hyvä ipa. Sopii nyrkkeilysalin uudelleen avaus päivään kuin nyrkki säkkiin.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ K-Supermarket Hämeenkylä
5 years ago
Sunday Punch, Finland
Hoppy Friday! 🍺 Extended Quarantine Day #61. Friday deserves to start with "Sunday Punch". Logical, right? Relatively cloudy, mango-juice-colored beer with impatient carbonation lets out a ridiculously bold, soapy head that easily exceeds an entire palm's height. The foamy tower collapses soon to a hair-thin lacing on the top. Many tiny frosty flakes decorate the glass for long. The scent is really oppressed and unilateral: I can solely pick substantially modest citrus whose details remain unrecognizeable as well as faint wheat malt. The tongue receives faint stale mango, distant raw peach, a bit of passionfruit and an unidentifiable berry-like twist, all embedded in a messy citrusy ground. Perhaps the citrusy foundation is characterized by lemon and a tad orange zest. Wheat is light and neatly refreshing. The light-bodied beer finishes with a decent amount of lemon pith and grapefruit rind, followed by a remote grassy back note. The aftertaste keeps hanging around with the tastebuds indecisively for a short time but then suddenly takes a hike. The mouthfeel is light, somewhat thin, juicy and subtropical. It's also a bit crisp, light-dry and mouth-drying. Furthermore, the mouthfeel is summery, refreshing, very sessionable and quaffable. Would probably work nicely as thirst quencher but otherwise one in the mass.

Post author: TaTu
5 years ago

Post author: Valtteri V
Valtteri V
5 years ago
Sunday Punch, Finland
Herkullisen hedelmäisen keltaista mehua kaatuu lasiin. Vaahtoaa todella reippaasti. Tuoksussa hedelmää ja katkeroa. Maussa todella hedelmäinen saundi, passionhedelmää, mangoa, appelsiinia. Jälkimaussa reippaasti sitrusta, kevyesti katkeroa ja raikkautta. Aika jees ipa, melko perus mutta kiva hedelmäinen makumaailma. Mosaic toimii kyllä aina.

Post author: Tumu81
5 years ago

Post author: Lerssi4
5 years ago

Post author: Jampe
5 years ago
Sunday Punch, Finland
Avatessa tölkistä tulee vaahtoa samantien reilusti yli, sama kova vaahtoaminen jatkuu lasiin kaadettaessa vaikka hiljakseltaan sen koittaa tehdä. Olisko jälkikäymistä... Maku appelsiinisen sitruksinen, suurin osa hiilihapoista on kadonnut ilmeisesti ylikuohumisen myötä, jälkimaussa runkoon sopivaa havuisuutta.

Post author: Mulmu
5 years ago

Post author: Oskari-Tuote
5 years ago
Greippinen. Omaan makuun vähän liiasti humaloitu.