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Mac Mummy 9.2%, Birrificio Montegioco, Italy
1 notes
Mac Mummy
9.2% Sour / Wild Ale
Italian craft beer created by Birrificio Montegioco, starting from its Mac (Blonde Ale) as a base, and leaving it to age in a Barbera red wine barrels. We can define it as a Sour Aged Ale, but peaty. It is a very rare product and with limited availability.


Post author: Grey
@ Divino il Vino Wineshop
6 years ago
Mac Mummy, Italy
OLUT: Mac Mummy (2015) PANIMO: Birrificio Montegioco OLUTTYYPPI: Sour MAA: Italia VAHVUUS: 9,2% VÄRI (EBC): Pihkankeltainen (14.0) KATKEROT (EBU/IBU): - TUOKSU: - VAAHTO: - GREY'S VIEW Happi tehnyt tepposet tälle. Vihannessosetta. Ei arviota. MUUTA MAINITTAVAA: -