11 notes
White Chocolate Moo-Hoo
6.1% Milk Stout / Sweet Stout
Ale with cocoa nibs and natural flavor added.
@ Allen's Cave2 months ago
At my son's house watching college football and drinking stouts. I've had this one before but he hasn't.
Another frothy head Stout. Creamy texture but the chocolate isn't as good as the regular milk stout. He definitely feels the same. Good beer but doesn't compare to the normal one.
@ Zunzibar1 year ago
@ The Foundry Growler Bar2 years ago
I've had this before in a can but never on draft. Had to give it a try.
Not much head in this small glass. Aroma gives a malty white chocolate quality. Lighter texture than I remember from the can, almost Porter-like but much softer. The difference between real chocolate and white chocolate is pronounced in this beer. Distinctly white chocolate, which is okay, it's good. The middle brings traces of breakfast coffee. Finish ends with a touch of coffee bitterness.
Not sure which one I like best, but this was good.
@ Ray's Cave2 years ago
Been looking forward to this variation of Terrapin's classic Moo-Hoo Stout.
Dark head so thick it seems solid. Dark brown color with strong aroma of chocolate and vanilla bean. Texture is soft and creamy, not quite as much as the original Moo-Hoo. Chocolate flavor is different, less lactose, not as much milk chocolate. More raw cocoa nibs and has a strong middle of roasted coffee. Finish brings some bitterness and notes of almond extract.
Very interesting on the subtle changes to the original but still not quite as good.
When In Rome
@ Sure Shot Tap House2 years ago
Not overly sweet for a milk/ sweet Stout. The cocoa nibs comes thru in spades and the white chocolate quietly behind it.
5 years ago
Matt P
7 years ago
Very solid chocolate milk stout. Smooth for a 7.6 percent beer.
8 years ago
Joonas N
9 years ago
Kevyt, suklainen ja maitoinen kevyempi stout. Paahdetta ja humalaakin on. Tykkäsin.