Mark S
5 months ago
I've been looking forward to this sour. The pour from the can was a little flat and left a body with no head or foam. The body is a light amber colour with a slight rose tint, and only mild carbonqtion in the glass.
Scent is naturally sour funk, but in the way that a farmhouse ale is, rather than something with a synthetic sour profile.
Lots of white grape upfront and throughout as a sort of base, while tonnes of peach and a slight dried currant profile linger.
Mouthfeel is sharp, carbonation feels intensified but the sourness, and the body is light, edging on medium but goes down easy as both the carbonation and the sourness ease to a very refreshing finish.
Taste is upfront red currant with some sour raspberry, while the peach takes a back seat and the white grape merges with the sour funk to become indistinguishable. The aftertaste is very mellow as the sourness lingers and leaves a nice sensation.
A very enjoyable wild/farmhouse ale.
@ Quaff Webshop1 year ago
Amis de l'acidité, bonsoir...
La bouche est sur un grosse acidité qui s'estompe tranquillement pour laissé place à la framboise et la myrtilles.
La fin de bouche est sur touche de vinaigre fruitée et bien astringente.
L'équilibre des fruits est superbe, désaltérante, peu sucrée. Après cette journée caniculaire, elle est franchement agréable.
Pierre G
@ La Beer Fabrique - Paris2 years ago
2 years ago
Mikko H
@ Drikbeer2 years ago
Välivuoden jälkeen paluu perinteen äärelle: superbowl ja jenkkioluet kaapin perältä esille nachopellin kaveriksi 😋
Tuoksultaan tosi hapan marjainen ja kevyen tammitynnyrinen.
Maussa kärkeen hapan marjaisuus, ei niin makea vaan kirpeä ja raikas. Kevyesti vattu ja mustikka mutta ei niin tunnistettava. Lopun kuiva tynnyrisyys on kivan voimakas näin kevyeeseen olueen, vähän kuin Mikkellerin spontan sarjan kevyt versio, eli aivan jees 😍
Lemmy K
2 years ago
Tim the tank
2 years ago
Riku H
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago