@ Mikkeller, Copenhagen Kastrup Airport6 years ago
Muddy, straw to yellow beer with a creamy, off-white yellowish head that reaches one finger. The foamy pillow shrinks sluggishly to a neat lace ring decorating the surface virtually throughout the entire drink.
The olfactory provision includes a generous amount of pineapple and lemon zest, accompanied by a nice injection of sweet orange and a punch of lactose.
The tongue receives hefty lemon pulp, passionfruit, a smaller injection of zesty pineapple and a hint of pomelo in the background.
The light-bodied beer finishes with strong lemon zest and bags of lemon peel, followed by a tad pineapple. The aftertaste rolls on tongue over medium to long duration.
The mouthfeel is light, somewhat tart and puckering, really summery as well as attractively fresh.
@ Mikkeller, Copenhagen Kastrup Airport6 years ago
Pitkästä aikaa todella miellyttävän makuinen IPA jossa äkkiseltään tuntuisi olevan kaikki kohdallaan. 5/5