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Tangerine SPF 50/50 4.2%, Red Hare Brewing Company, United States
4 notes
Tangerine SPF 50/50
4.2% India Pale Ale
You don’t have to rub a lamp to make all your wishes come true, just grab the Tangerine SPF 50/50. Native to Tangier, the tangerine is a small, citrus fruit which we’ve turned into a soda and blended with our Gangway IPA. The Tangerine SPF 50/50 is the beer you want for riding on a camel to the nearest oasis. When you can’t think straight and everything is a mirage, grab a few of these babies and get ready for magic carpet ride fit for a Moroccan sheikh.


Post author: Steeves C
Steeves C
3 years ago

Post author: USER31759
4 years ago

Post author: Edgeworth
6 years ago
Tangerine SPF 50/50, United States
Pours a medium yellow. A little hazy. Medium sized head that disappears quickly. Not much flavor and can taste no hops at all. Very fast dry finish. One of the least favorite IPAs I've had.